The Old Shoe out of Llangollen is a short, steep climb in North Wales. It runs close to the better known Horseshoe Pass. (main A road). But the Old shoe makes an excellent venue for the national hill climb because it is feasible to close the road to traffic and is significantly steeper (an average for 12.% for 1 mile is a real challenge. The road is quite narrow and has a cattle grid, but is relatively quiet, as most cars take the Horseshoe Pass up the valley.

Old Shoe out of Llangollen Pass
Distance 0.96 miles
Avg Grade 12.5%
Lowest Elev 677ft
Highest Elev 1,314ft
Elev Difference 637ft / 194m
View from top of Horseshoe
Old Shoe is down to the left just out of view. This photo is from the top of Horseshoe Pass.
National Hill Climb 2022
I have heard the National hill climb 2022 will be on this climb. It will be interesting to find out the exact course.
If you have any details/photos/videos of climb, feel free to share in comments.
1950 National Hill Climb
In 1950, the National Hill Climb was held on Barber’s Hill, Llangollen. This is near Llangollen but a different climb to Horseshoe or the Old Shoe. The winning time in 1950 was R Stringwell 4.33 (Bramley Wheelers)
Bottom line, if you come to Llangollen, there are lots of good climbs!
Barber’s Hill is to the East of Llangollen, overlooking the town, and one of many challenging ascents from the Dee valley.
Thanks Simon!
Is there a gpx file for download