Banbury Star Hardriders 2015

Today was the Banbury Star Hardriders 23 mile time trial from Wroxton to Ettington going down and then back up Sun Rising hill. For the first race of the season two weeks ago, I was relaxed to the point of seeing it as another training ride. But, now I’m getting more accustomed to the idea of racing. I’ve done 2,400 miles since the start of the year. It’s an unprecedented amount of training for me, and I’m interested to see if it makes any difference to speed in short distance time trials.

Although I remember many Banbury Hard-rider events which are a lot colder (snow, ice and sub zero), I was still very cold warming up. I went for 3 pairs of gloves, 3 pairs of socks  Once I got racing, it didn’t feel that cold. There was a strong Westerly wind which made the first leg into the wind quite hard. My pacing strategy was to go as hard as I could into the wind and then try and benefit from tailwind on way back.

Descending Sunrising hill was a bit tricky. It’s a sharp left hander, but the main difficulty was strong head/cross wind. Coming off the climb was hard-work because gaps in the hedge caused strong gusts of winds into the side. I was holding on very tight to the side of the tribars, looking ahead for the gaps in the hedge. It took a long time before it was safe to get back on to the tribars. Going through the village of Ettingham is also a bit tricky because of parked cars and road furniture. There were a few minor hold-ups here, but not as bad as the last race I di. On the way back it was a big relief, to turn away from the difficult headwind. You can start to pick up a good speed without as much effort. I took an opportunity to hold back a little, trying to save something for the big climb of the race.


On Sunrising hill. Photo courtesy Richard Brian.

(Note to self: Wooly socks cost 4 seconds. Tape coming off visor 3 seconds.)

Sunrising hill is a challenging hill (16%) at the best of times, but doing a steep hill in the middle of a race, where you’re already on the limit is another difficulty. Fortunately, I felt quite strong and with a helpful tailwind was able to climb most of the hill seated down. Only towards the end, did I stand up to squeeze the last bit of power out. The new TT bike felt quite good, but it’s not so great for climbing on the hoods up 16% gradients, it felt hard work handling it. After the top of the hill, there is another 3-4 quick miles, where I held a good average speed to finish in a time of 52.26. This was good enough for first place, with Dan Bigham (Beeline Cycles) in 2nd and Danny Axford (Arctic Tacx RT) 3rd. 1st lady was Philippa Schubert (High Wycombe CC. Philippa is the sister of 24 hour TT champion Jonathan Shubert (currently out in Oman) and was rider her brother’s bike. 1st Junior was – Ryan Kenworthy – 58.49.

A great selection of cakes at the HQ


As usual the event was well organised by Luke Souter and Banbury CC, with one of most impressive collections of post-race cakes. I also had a good chat to my minute man Dave Preece, who is in training for an epic Land’s End to John ‘O Groats on a Penny Farthing.

Results Banbury Star 2015

click to enlarge

 Banbury Star results

  • 2015 – 52.26 –  1st – 297 watts
  • 2014 – 53.27 – 2nd – 281 watts
  • 2013 – 53:32 – 1st
  • 2012 – 56:15 – 2nd (very cold)
  • 2010 – 54.31 – 2nd


Results 2015

Position Name Club Time CTT +/-
1 Tejvan Pettinger Sri Chinmoy CT   52:26
2 Dan Bigham Beeline Cycles RT   53:13
3 Danny Axford Arctic Tacx RT   53:47
4 Stewart Wilson Bonito Squadra Corse   55:48   4:43+
5 Karl Moseley Stourbridge Velo   55:54   6:25+
6 James Middleton Media Velo   56:41
7 Tim Hastie Team Jewson – MI Racing   56:48
8 Justin Belcher Banbury Star CC   56:51   1:30+
9 Matthew Nell Team Jewson – MI Racing   56:52
10 Ian Heming Team Echelon – Rotor   57:13   0:42+
11 Graeme Davidson Kenilworth Whs   57:29   1:44+
12 Jager Benjamin De Oxford University CC   58:13
13 Luke Souter Banbury Star CC   58:39
14 Ryan Kenworthy  (Jn)   58:49
15 Malcolm Rose Oxonian CC   59:09   1:14-
16 Martin Lines Worcester St. Johns CC   59:22   0:43+
17 Cameron Foster Team Corley Cycles   59:35
18 Edward Silverton Beacon Roads CC   59:49
19 Chris Spencer Royal Leamington Spa CC   59:55
20 Peter Wright Rugby Racing CC 1:00:01   1:51+
21 Daniel Alanine Oxford University CC 1:00:02
22 Ben Nichol High Wycombe CC 1:00:20
23 Simon Kisley Banbury Star CC 1:00:26   1:13-
24 Paul Demicoli Banbury Star CC 1:00:44   1:08+
25 Tom Bolton Oxford University CC 1:00:51
26 Peter Oliver Fairly United CT 1:00:54   0:58+
27 Rob Weare Leamington C & AC 1:00:56   2:46+
28 Andy Craig Rugby Racing CC 1:01:10   1:57-
29 Gavin Tillson Oxonian CC 1:01:17   3:47-
30 Chris Edgington Fairly United CT 1:01:34   0:09-
31 Keith Burden Rugby Racing CC 1:01:36   4:06-
32 Gregory Ashley Team Jewson – MI Racing 1:02:00   1:02-
33 Martin Prior Oxonian CC 1:02:06   3:19-
34 Dave Walker Worcester St. Johns CC 1:02:09   0:38+
35 Peter Busby Team Jewson – MI Racing 1:02:10   0:37+
36 Tom Giddings Banbury Star CC 1:02:40
37 Richard Howes Coventry RC 1:02:44   1:27+
38 Tim Butt Banbury Star CC 1:02:47   1:49-
39 Billy Leason    (Jn) Banbury Star CC 1:02:50
40 Martin Staines Worcester St. Johns CC 1:03:13   1:26+
41 Peter Graham North Hampshire RC 1:03:54   1:35-
42 Rob Stilgoe Rugby Racing CC 1:04:15
43 Jered Allcock Banbury Star CC 1:04:15
44 Roger Foster Team Corley Cycles 1:04:18   0:07-
45 Jos Busby Banbury Star CC 1:05:22
46 Dave Preece Worcester St. Johns CC 1:06:54   8:33-
47 Stephen Haynes Banbury Star CC 1:07:25   5:33-
48 Mark Boyles Banbury Star CC 1:07:38
49 Joe Kang Oxford University CC 1:07:41
50 James Harrison Media Velo 1:08:08
51 Adam Souter Banbury Star CC 1:08:09  10:39-
52 Philippa Shubert (W) High Wycombe CC 1:09:57
53 Keith Barcock Banbury Star CC 1:10:35  10:04-
54 Mike Hicks Banbury Star CC 1:13:03  13:50-
55 Geoff Booker Oxonian CC 1:13:37   2:14+
56 Stephanie Peters (W) Hinckley CRC 1:13:39  12:14-
57 Lindsay Nell     (W) Team Jewson – MI Racing 1:13:44  11:52-
58 Jemima Line      (W) Oxonian CC 1:13:49
59 Brian Wills Hinckley CRC 1:14:16   5:13-
60 Geoff Hewett Banbury Star CC 1:16:23   8:50-
61 Alan Morris Hinckley CRC 1:16:45  13:03-
62 Stephen Rooney Banbury Star CC 1:24:29  20:18-
DNF 43
DNS with apologies 14,18,29,34,39,46,47,49,67.




On Saturday I had a bit of good luck. I went into Beeline Bicycles who had Omloop Het Nieuwsblad on the TV. I turned up just in time to see the last 4-5 km. At that point, Ian Stannard (Team Sky) was with 3 Etiix Quick Step Riders. Usually in that situation, you expect the team of 3 to walk away with the win, I was just hoping Stannard would get on the podium. But, somehow Stannard managed to play his cards right and sneak a win. A great result after his difficult year (with broken back) last year. Procycling is back on telly. Perhaps my great winter training will go out of the window now?

3 thoughts on “Banbury Star Hardriders 2015”

  1. Firstly, congratulations on the win! I found the conditions really hard today. It was good to chat at the end, your long distance training seems to be working for you, riding my penny farthing long distances doesn’t seem to have helped my tt speed though!
    I hope to post to twitter my end to end ride each day if you’d like to follow it, (@Davepreece7). The blog will probably only get updated once I’m back home. Good luck with your racing this year. All the best, Dave.

  2. Well done on another great ride. I’m doing the Circuit of Pendle this weekend so your article is a great help as the course sounds similar. Although I doubt my outcome will be as good as yours! This will be my first event using my power meter so your site has been a great help.
    Keep up the great work with the blog.
    Regards Russell.


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