It’s not all CdA and lightweight components at Cycling Uphill. I do get a lot of joy seeing students in sub-fusc riding to their exams. Perhaps because:
A) It reminds me of the stress of doing my own exams, but now I have the luxury of being an old man who can sit by the side of the road knowing that exam results don’t really matter than much. (Not for my career path anyway…)
B) Riding in sub-fusc at 8mph down Oxford High Street is about as far removed as you can get from timetrialling along a dual carriageway at 30mph. It’s all very sedate. And that’s cycling

enjoying the bike
Having finished my final finals exam, I indulged in a little ‘celebrating’ in town for a number of hours. Then as the afternoon wore on, I decided that it was time to head home for some sustenance. Unfortunately, with my senses a little dimmed, I badly misjudged the braking effort required at one particular point. As a result I ended up over the handlebars, in sub fusc, on the deck in the middle of the Cowley Road.
As any true cyclist should, I picked myself up and limped to the pavement as if nothing at all had happened, bravely rejecting all offers of assistance. Who knows what the onlookers thought of the ungainly student in the ill-fitting suit and white bow tie, complete with hole in the knee and blood dripping to match the colour of his pin hole flower…
Your photos show we are really a Car-nation!
Or may be Dianthus is the god of cycling students.
Your photos show we are really a Car-nation!
Or may be Dianthus is the god of cycling students.