- Location: Four Elms, Kent, south of M25
- Directions: Heading on B2042 towards Ide Hill, take a left direction Toys Hill
- Distance: 1.8 miles
- Average gradient: 6 %
- Maximum gradient: 18%
- Height gain: 172 m
- KOM time: 7.28 | 14.7 mph
- 100 climbs: #20
- Strava – 100 climbs version
A longish climb in Kent. It starts off with a gentle gradient, but is one of those climbs that gets steeper the further you climb up the hill. It averages 6% for the 1.8 miles, but there are ramps of 18% near the top. The climb is mostly tree-lined so is quite sheltered, though it does also shelter many potential views from the top. It is next to Ide Hill.

Related climbs
Toys hills is close to many of the other climbs on the South Downs, White Lane (16), Chalkpit Lane (117),York Lane (15). It is not so far from Box Hill and the climbs around Dorking.
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