Shaft Road

An urban hill climb, Shaft road snakes its way up from Monkton Combe to the top of Claverton Down. A classic British hill climb, it has two 15% sections just after the start and midway through the ride to create an undulating gradient. It levels off a little towards the end.

Details of the climb

  • Location: Bath S.W England.
  • Distance: 1.3 km
  • Average gradient: 8%
  • Maximum gradient: 17%
  • Height gain 99m
  • 100 climbs: 108
  • Strava segment
  • Everesting = 8848/300 = 90 ascents – 233 km.
  • Direction: North-west
  • KOM: 3.13 – 23.3 km/h
  • QOM: 4.47 – 16.0 km/h




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