- Location: Ruthin, north Wales
- Distance: 1.4 miles
- Average gradient: 11 %
- Maximum gradient: 22%
- Height gain: 256m
- KOM time: 8.44 – 9.8mph
- 100 climbs: #88
- Strava
Bwlch Penbarras is a mountain pass in north east Wales. The toughest version is from Llanbedr-Dyffryn-Clwyd to Tafarn-y-Gelyn. It climbs an impressive 256m in just 1.4 miles. The hardest section is in the middle, where it gets close to 25% as you go around a left hander. The gradient eases a little, but continues to rise up, before a final steep section near the finish. It is a relentless climb and there is no respite. The 25% corner will take a lot out, but even after this corner, there is still a lot of climbing to do. Jim Henderson a five times former national hill climb champion took nearly nine minutes when setting KOM on this short climb.

Going down the east side is less severe. It is a straight descent so you can pick up some good speed.

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