- Location: Slaidburn / Clitheroe / Forest of Bowland
- Other names:Lythe Fell road
- Distance: 1.8 miles
- Average gradient: 6%
- Maximum gradient: 13%
- Height gain: 184 m
- KOM time: 6.59 – 15.4mph
- 100 climbs: #79
- Strava

Cross of Greet can be climbed in either direction. If you climb from Slaidburn, apart from a brief section of 10%, it is fairly steady for the first mile, but as you get nearer the top, the climb gets steeper, reaching 13% at its steepest. OVerall, it is a fairly steady climb, never too steep, but climbing a respectable 184m over two miles. The Trough of Bowland is excellent cycling countryside, often the roads are very quiet, the only downside is that it’s often a bit misty up there.
Cross of Greet
The Cross of Greet takes you over Feltham moor from Slaidburn towards High Bentham. To mark the top of the moor, there is a stone with a hollow in the middle. Legend suggests there was a cross in this spot, but you won’t see any cross these days.
Others have asserted that the hollow in the stone is a plague hole – where washing money in a plague hole would prevent the plague being caught after going from one region to another.
Greet may come from a derivation of Grit – a rocky outcrop nearby. More on Cross of Greet
Cross of Greet – Southbound
Climbing the Cross of Greet from north to south is a similar climb. If anything a little longer, and lower average gradient. However, south bound there is a steep last section of nearly 20%.
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